Absentee/Early Voting Turnout
Below is a snapshot of all 2019 general election ballots accepted. These are unofficial numbers. This page will be updated weekly between Sept. 20 - Oct. 25 and daily between Oct. 29 - Nov. 4. Ballots may include special, municipal and school district elections. Some precincts in Maplewood and North Saint Paul do not have an election and will not have data.
Total early/absentee ballots accepted
Hover over each precinct to view accepted ballots, total ballots issued and the number of registered voters. Ballots issued include all ballots mailed to voters and issued to voters in person. Accepted ballots include all ballots returned and accepted by the elections office.
Early vs. absentee ballots
Early voting ballots accepted
Absentee ballots accepted
Ballots by ward and city
Absentee ballots accepted by city and Saint Paul ward. Hover over the bar chart or map to view totals.
Vote Before Election Day
Election Day for the general election is Tuesday, Nov. 5. Residents can vote by mail or submit their ballot in person at the Ramsey County Elections Office from Sept. 20 to Nov. 4. Additional locations opened on Oct. 29.