Elections Participation 2022
The Elections Office works with thousands of people to help voters register and vote. From community partners working year-round to deliver voter education and encourage participation—to our election judges who helped voters through each step of the voting process.
Elections Office's 2022 Engagement Program
The Ramsey County Elections Office has been supporting civic engagement since 2018. Program staff:
- develop and deliver educational programs to the public.
- create educational materials and connect voters to resources on voting, the government, and elected officials.
- coordinate with community partners to conduct outreach efforts for registration and voting, election judge recruitment, and general civic education.
- improve services offered to voters, such as language translation options and accessibility in service delivery.
- recruit election judges.
- research how voters interact with the voting process to understand and address areas needing improvement in service delivery.
In 2022, the engagement team:
- Co-paneled workshops & forums with outreach coordinators, educators, and agency officials.
- Presented on specific topics and collaborated in workgroups.
- Recruited election judges, specifically for the new role of Interpreter Election Judge.
- Created resources and worked with community partners to translate materials.
- Presented and paneled at assistive device demonstrations.
Partners in civic engagement
Government offices
- Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State
- Minnesota Department of Human Services
- Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, DeafBlind & Hard of Hearing
- Hennepin County Elections Office
- Minneapolis Elections Office
- St Louis Park Elections Office
- Blue Earth County Elections Office
- Ramsey County Racial & Health Equity Division
- Ramsey County Policy & Planning Division
- Ramsey County Public Health Division
Organizations and schools
- AARP of Minnesota
- Catholic Charities
- League of Women Voters Saint Paul and White Bear Lake
- St Kate's University
- St Thomas University
- Northwestern University
- Concordia University
- Saint Paul College
- Metro State
- Hamline University
- Saint Paul Public Schools
- White Bear Lake Public Schools
2022 Community Partner Program
2022 was the fourth year the office worked with community partners conducting outreach within their represented communities.
Partners target
efforts by geographic areas
Community partners identified themselves as representing many communities across Ramsey County. They engage all regions of the county collectively, but typically focus outreach in areas of historically low voter turnout:
- Eastside – Saint Paul, Wards 6 and 7.
- Northend – Saint Paul, Ward 5.
- Frogtown/Downtown – Saint Paul, Wards 1 and 2.
- Roseville.
- New Brighton.
- Maplewood.
Partners represent
many communities
- African American communities
- East African and West African nations
- Asian and Pacific Islander nations
- Hispanic/Latinx communities
- Indigenous communities
- Youth, students, 18-24 year old and new voters
- Disability communities
Goals & focuses of outreach in 2022
- Election judge recruitment.
- Voter registration before Election Day.
- Voter eligibility.
- Election Day registration.
- Absentee voting options, emphasizing voting by mail.
Election Judge Service
Crucial to a successful election
Elections administrators could not administer a successful election without the support of election judges: through administrative processes year-round, helping voters vote at our locations, conducting outreach and encouraging voter participation, and assisting with all post-election work. With this type of support, the Elections Office invests thousands of hours into training each year to prepare and support election judges through our processes.
Types of training
Polling place training
- Precinct judge.
- Head judge.
- Assistant head judge.
- Registration specialist judge.
- New head judge orientation.
- Poll pad classes and labs.
- Student election judge.
- Interpreter election judge.
- Creating a Welcoming Polling Place.
- Managing Tense Environments and Making Authentic Connections.
Absentee and statewide voter registration system
- Classroom and on-the-job trainings covering advanced use of the statewide voter registration system.
- Early voting.
- In-office administrative support.