Social Services
Annual Report


Every year Ramsey County Social Services produces an annual report to show our clients and community how we serve Ramsey County residents.
With the 2018 report, we’re taking advantage of the county's Open Data Portal to create a data and performance-driven annual report that will be regularly updated throughout the year. The new level of transparency in this online report also provides easy access to program information, including numbers of people served and information about them, and performance measures related to our goals.
Social Services aspires to provide Ramsey County residents the highest quality of service available in Minnesota. Social Services is the largest county department and provides critical social service supports including: child protection, licensing, foster care connections, pre-petition screening for civil commitment, adult protection, mental health, detox, case management, prevention, and chemical dependency services. Social Services is the local authority for mental health services and adult protection and is responsible for helping individuals, families, and communities in Ramsey County to survive and thrive.
This annual report addresses four county strategic goals that guide and direct everything we do:
  • Well-being: strengthen individual, family and community health, safety, and well-being through effective safety-net services, innovative programming, prevention and early intervention, and environmental stewardship.
  • Prosperity: cultivate prosperity and invest in neighborhoods with concentrated financial poverty through proactive leadership and inclusive initiatives that engage all communities in decisions about our future.
  • Opportunity: enhance access to opportunity and mobility for all residents and businesses through connections to education, employment and economic development throughout of region,
  • Accountability: model forward-thinking investment, fiscal accountability, and transparency through professional operational and financial management.

Performance Measures