Heading Home Ramsey
Community Homelessness Dashboard Measures
This dashboard shares seven prioritized community measures chosen by the Heading Home Ramsey Governing Board. Heading Home Ramsey (HHR) is a community-wide partnership committed to the goal of ending homelessness in Ramsey County.
These measures were selected to align with the governing board's values of ensuring that homelessness is rare, brief, non-recurring, and that racial disparities are eliminated and everyone is housed. They show trends in system performance, demographic and population information about people experiencing homelessness in Ramsey County.
The data only represents people who have been entered into the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) by homeless service providers. Some providers use this data system and some people experiencing homelessness do not connect with homeless service providers.
This dashboard is not designed to address all questions around homelessness. For example, it does not show the root causes of homelessness or the trends in affordable housing in the county. However, it can be used to examine trends in homelessness and subpopulations to examine the data from different perspectives.
How many people are experiencing homelessness in emergency shelter/street outreach programs?
Measure 1
What is the racial and ethnic makeup of those experiencing homelessness in emergency shelter and street outreach programs and how does that compare to Ramsey County's overall population?
Measure 1A
What is the likelihood of being homeless in street outreach or emergency shelters in Ramsey County by race compared to whites over the past 12 months?
Measure 1B
How long are families and singles on the waiting list after they have been assessed for housing in Coordinated Entry?
Learn more about the Coordinated Entry System.
How many people in shelters are new to homelessness this quarter?
Measure 3
How many people have previously experienced homelessness?
Measure 3A
How much of each type of housing is available across the continuum?
Learn more about the types of housing in the continuum of care.
How many people are entering or leaving our housing projects?
Learn more about rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing projects.
Have we helped increase the income of the people we serve?
We help people by providing connections to employment opportunities and public financial benefits for those deemed unable to work by a medical professional.
How many people returned to homelessness within 6 months of leaving a program?
Other Key Measures and Reports
Heading Home Ramsey receives federal, state and philanthropic funding to support people experiencing homelessness. To
monitor the effectiveness of the service system, community-wide data are used to see what services are improving, identify gaps and assist in
prioritization planning for future funding.
To further help decision-making, Heading Home Ramsey relies on research and evaluation reports that provide a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis. This helps move beyond focusing only on the numbers, to hear feedback from people navigating the homeless service system, providers and community members to learn more about what is working and what needs to be improved.