65 Results
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Tags > estimated market value
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- Civic Engagement
- County Administration
- Demographics
- Economy and Employment
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Housing, Property and Development
- Other
- Public Health
- Public Safety and Justice
- Social Services
- Solicitations and Addenda
- Transportation
- Communications
- Community & Economic Development
- Community Corrections
- County Attorney
- County Manager's Office
- Elections
- Emergency Communications
- Emergency Management & Homeland Security
- Finance
- Financial Assistance Services
- Government Relations
- Healthcare Services
- Human Resources
- Information Services
- Library
- Medical Examiner
- Parks & Recreation
- Policy & Planning
- Property Management
- Property Records & Revenue
- Public Health
- Public Works
- Regional Rail Authority
- Sheriff
- Social Services
- Veterans Services
- Workforce Solutions
- (8k-32k)
- (<8k)
- (>32k-64k)
- 10-yr average
- 2020
- 30-day sample mean by beach
- 4-h youth
- 4-to-3
- abatement
- access
- accounting
- address
- administration
- adoption
- age 16+ population
- age group
- agency
- aggregate estimated market value
- aging & disability services
- aging and disability services
- alerts
- allagetions
- allianz field
- ambulance
- animal
- application
- applications
- appointment
- aquatic
- archery
- area
- asian american
- assaulted
- assets
- assistances
- award
- babies
- beach
- beach water
- bedrock
- behavioral risk factor
- bike
- birth country
- board
- border
- branches
- brush
- bucket
- by zip code
- cafe
- calls
- canals
- case totals
- cash food
- cast
- category
- caucus
- ccap
- centers
- chemicals
- chlamydia and gonorrhea
- chronic conditions
- cip
- cities
- citizens responsibility
- clay
- client
- co-morbidity
- comercial
- commercial property value
- communication
- community and economic development
- community investment
- compensation
- compost
- condo
- congress
- coordinated entry
- coordinates
- cost of living
- count center
- country
- counts
- county attorney
- crash data
- criminal
- crisis response
- critical corridors
- customer
- datasets
- death before age 75
- death status
- deaths
- debt
- deconstruction
- deed
- degree
- demographic data
- department of employment and economic development
- deposits
- designations
- destruction
- digital literacy
- digital navigator
- dispatch
- dispatch incident dashboard
- displacement
- documentation
- driveway
- dryland
- duplex/triplex
- e-coli
- earnings
- ecology
- economic growth and community investment
- elderly
- election night
- eligibility
- employees
- emv
- enterprise service
- establishment rate
- estate
- expenditure
- experience
- factor
- families
- fas
- fas stats
- fasd
- fatalities
- federal performance measures
- felony
- female
- fentanyl
- file number
- flu
- food security
- formal leaders
- foster care
- free
- fuels
- full-time
- funding
- gis
- goal
- goals
- government lot
- grant recipients
- grass
- gravel
- guardianship
- harvest
- harvest totals
- hazmat
- hepatitis a
- heroin
- hhw
- hic
- history
- home value
- homeownership
- homes
- hospitalizations
- hospitals & facilities
- housing and redevelopment authority
- hra
- hud
- hunting
- individuals
- industrial property
- industry
- influenza
- infrastructure
- injury
- inmates
- internal
- interpreter
- interview
- invasive
- investments
- items checked out
- junvenile detention
- justice-involved youth
- kids
- killed
- lab
- labor force
- lakes
- language
- laptop
- law
- layoffs
- leadership
- leaves
- levy
- living
- living area
- lots
- lunch
- male
- materials
- meals
- medicaid
- medical programs
- medicare
- memorial hall
- methods
- metropolitan council
- mfip
- missing heirs
- mn leg
- mnchoices
- muni
- navigator
- new hires
- newborn
- non-motorized-wheeled transit route
- nowcasting
- number of workers
- officers
- on duty
- one dose
- oneway
- original medicare
- outcomes
- outfall
- overdose
- overview
- owner
- oxy
- oxycontin
- parcel count
- parcel data
- parking
- part 2
- part-time
- partners
- paternity
- pay
- payroll
- peace statue
- pedestrian
- perecentage of employees
- permit
- personal contacts
- personnel
- petition
- pit
- poisoning
- premature death
- price
- primaries
- primary elections
- primary language
- processing
- programming
- programs
- property records and revenue
- prosecution
- protection
- purchasing
- quarterly workforce indicators
- race and ethnicity
- racial equity
- railroad
- ramsey county property
- rating
- rcao
- reason
- recent voting
- records
- redlining
- reduced
- register
- registry
- rent
- renter
- reservation
- resiliency fund
- response
- responsibility
- returns
- revenues
- risk
- rollerblade
- roster
- rubbish
- safety
- saint paul
- salary
- sale
- sam
- sand
- sars-cov-2
- scan center
- school attendance
- schooling
- seasonal
- security
- sediment
- separations
- service
- sexually transmitted diseases
- sheriff
- shots fired
- sidewalk
- single day sample mean by beach
- single family
- site visits
- skateboard
- skilled nursing
- sliding fee
- social
- socrata
- special hunt
- special primary
- species
- square footage
- ssd
- staff
- star library
- state funding
- strategic
- strategic team
- street
- structurally deficient
- students
- study corridors
- supplement
- support distributed
- surficial
- surveillance
- syphilis tuberculosis
- talent
- tax valuation
- technology
- terminology
- threshold
- tool
- total ballots
- total employees
- totals
- toxic
- tract
- trail
- tree
- truancy
- truck limit
- turf
- turnover
- type
- uncashed checks
- university of minnesota
- unpaved median
- us census
- usability status
- utilities
- valuation
- variant proportion
- variant surveillance
- vendors
- vicodin
- vulnerable adults
- waitlist
- web contact
- weekly bookings
- weekly vaccinations
- wellness
- wetland
- wfs
- windows
- wioa adult
- workers
- workforce innovation
- workforce innovation board
- workforce innovation board members
- wounded
- yard waste
- yearly
- 10-yr turnover
- acp
- admissions
- affordability
- affordable housing
- american indian
- animals
- asset
- average
- bacteria
- birth
- blood
- bond
- books
- call center
- car
- career
- channel
- charge
- circulation
- color
- communicable
- costs
- council
- count
- covid
- curbcut
- date
- demolition
- disease burden
- dislocation
- distribution
- diversion
- dollars
- early voting
- election judge
- ems
- enforcement
- environmental health
- epidemiology
- equity
- fees
- financial report
- fines
- force
- generation
- geology
- golf course
- homelessness
- hospitalization
- hotel
- hunger
- ice
- incident
- indicators
- industrial property value
- infant
- infectious disease
- inspection
- intake
- jail
- justice
- landlord assistance
- median price
- minnesota department of health
- mortality
- nature
- offense
- office space
- opioid
- opioids
- out of home
- paint
- participant
- payments
- performance
- performance measures
- petitions
- phone call
- pipe
- planning
- point in time
- portal administration
- project
- promotions
- property tax
- prosperity
- quality
- rccf
- recycle
- relief fund
- rental
- replacement
- results
- retail
- roads
- single family home
- state
- status
- storm
- structure
- subcategory
- suburban
- summary
- telephone
- total counts
- town
- traffic
- training
- trash
- unclaimed
- vacancy
- vaccine data
- vsqg
- wait time
- ward
- water
- work
- year end
- zip code
- acs
- agriculture
- american community survey
- american rescue plan
- apartment value
- apartments
- attorney
- bridge
- business
- capital
- caregivers
- cases
- cash
- charging
- child support
- civic engagement
- contact
- contracts
- correctional facility
- dashboard
- department
- detention
- director
- disability
- district
- ditch
- division
- economic
- election day
- financial assistance services
- glossary
- grant
- internship
- life expectancy
- lobby
- loss
- manager
- operating history
- parents
- placement
- polling place
- presidential primary
- probation
- profit
- public safety and justice
- recreation
- reference
- referrals
- report
- right track plus
- road
- school
- small business
- snap
- spending
- supervisor
- survey
- techpak
- terms
- tests
- transit
- wages
- waste
- acres
- arpa
- assessments
- building
- call
- case
- cert
- charges
- collection
- computer
- criminal justice
- data
- deer
- establishment
- family
- financial assistance
- heading home ramsey
- income
- juvenile
- median estimated market value
- mental health
- municipality
- opportunity
- park
- payment
- treasurer
- vaccine
- 9-1-1
- accountability
- caregiver
- court
- education
- expenditures
- federal
- fire
- hazardous waste
- law enforcement
- lead
- library
- parent
- police
- pre-election
- public health
- public safety
- shelter
- single family homes
- st. paul
- suburb
- support
- total voting
- war names
- well-being
- absentee ballot
- boundary
- case management
- construction
- corrections
- diversity
- environment
- gender
- labor
- organization
- poverty
- precinct
- primary
- revenue
- time
- war
- 911
- absentee voting
- assessment
- city
- community indicators
- crime
- death
- early
- engagement
- ethnicity
- expenses
- fiscal
- home
- jurisdiction
- pandemic
- popular annual financial report
- population
- transportation
- youth
- ced
- economic inclusion
- food
- house
- medical
- race
- tax classification
- veterans
- adult
- age
- aggregate
- ballot
- census
- communications
- funds
- location
- mail voting
- real-estate
- redevelopment
- relief and economic security act
- cares
- elections
- federal funding
- health
- metrics
- registration
- money
- residence
- agricultural
- budget
- human resources
- rise
- social services
- county
- development
- emergency
- general election
- pafr
- residential
- land use
- participation
- annual report
- assessor
- assistance
- estimated value
- fund
- homeless
- median
- parcel
- percent change
- ramsey county
- countywide
- housing
- jobs
- market
- statistics
- finance
- apartment
- industrial
- turnout
- economy
- child
- commercial
- community
- services
- absentee
- estimate
- tax
- value
- assessor report
- performance measure
- financial
- employment
- property
- covid-19
- market value
- demographics
- property value
- election
- workforce
- voting
- estimated market value
65 Results
filtered by
Tags > estimated market value
Clear All
Information pertaining to estimated market value of all parcels in Ramsey County from tax year 1998 through tax year 2019. Only current tax payer name and current legal party role information is available on this page.
January 31 2023
This dataset outlines the percent change in aggregate estimated market value countywide by residential.
October 21 2021
This dataset outlines the countywide percent change in aggregate Estimated Market Value of apartments from 2022 to 2023.
March 11 2024
This dataset outlines the percent changes in Aggregate Estimated Market Values by Tax Classification from 2019 to 2020
April 21 2023
This dataset outlines the percent change in aggregate estimated market value countywide by agricultural.
October 21 2021
This dataset outlines the percent changes in median Estimated Market Values and Parcel Counts of apartments by Location (City of Saint Paul vs suburbs) from 2022 to 2023.
March 11 2024
This dataset outlines the percent changes in median Estimated Market Values, Aggregate Estimated Market Values, and Parcel Counts by Jurisdiction and Land Use Category from 2019 to 2020.
April 21 2023
This dataset outlines the countywide percent change in aggregate Estimated Market Value of apartments from 2022 to 2023.
March 11 2024
This dataset outlines the percent changes in median Estimated Market Values and Parcel counts of apartments from 2019 to 2020
April 21 2023
This dataset outlines the percent changes in median Estimated Market Values and Parcel Counts by Land Use Category from 2020 to 2021.
March 18 2022