45 Results
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Tags > covid-19
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- Civic Engagement
- County Administration
- Demographics
- Economy and Employment
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Housing, Property and Development
- Other
- Public Health
- Public Safety and Justice
- Social Services
- Solicitations and Addenda
- Transportation
- Communications
- Community & Economic Development
- Community Corrections
- County Attorney
- County Manager's Office
- Elections
- Emergency Communications
- Emergency Management & Homeland Security
- Finance
- Financial Assistance Services
- Government Relations
- Healthcare Services
- Human Resources
- Information Services
- Library
- Medical Examiner
- Parks & Recreation
- Policy & Planning
- Property Management
- Property Records & Revenue
- Public Health
- Public Works
- Regional Rail Authority
- Sheriff
- Social Services
- Veterans Services
- Workforce Solutions
- covid-19
- (8k-32k)
- (<8k)
- (>32k-64k)
- 10-yr average
- 2020
- 30-day sample mean by beach
- 4-h youth
- 4-to-3
- abatement
- access
- accounting
- address
- administration
- adoption
- age 16+ population
- age group
- agency
- aggregate estimated market value
- aging & disability services
- aging and disability services
- alerts
- allagetions
- allianz field
- ambulance
- animal
- application
- applications
- appointment
- aquatic
- archery
- area
- asian american
- assaulted
- assets
- assistances
- award
- babies
- beach
- beach water
- bedrock
- behavioral risk factor
- bike
- birth country
- board
- border
- branches
- brush
- bucket
- by zip code
- cafe
- calls
- canals
- case totals
- cash food
- cast
- category
- caucus
- ccap
- centers
- chemicals
- chlamydia and gonorrhea
- chronic conditions
- cip
- cities
- citizens responsibility
- clay
- client
- co-morbidity
- comercial
- commercial property value
- communication
- community and economic development
- community investment
- compensation
- compost
- condo
- congress
- coordinated entry
- coordinates
- cost of living
- count center
- country
- counts
- county attorney
- crash data
- criminal
- crisis response
- critical corridors
- customer
- datasets
- death before age 75
- death status
- deaths
- debt
- deconstruction
- deed
- degree
- demographic data
- department of employment and economic development
- deposits
- designations
- destruction
- digital literacy
- digital navigator
- dispatch
- dispatch incident dashboard
- displacement
- documentation
- driveway
- dryland
- duplex/triplex
- e-coli
- earnings
- ecology
- economic growth and community investment
- elderly
- election night
- eligibility
- employees
- emv
- enterprise service
- establishment rate
- estate
- expenditure
- experience
- factor
- families
- fas
- fas stats
- fasd
- fatalities
- federal performance measures
- felony
- female
- fentanyl
- file number
- flu
- food security
- formal leaders
- foster care
- free
- fuels
- full-time
- funding
- gis
- goal
- goals
- government lot
- grant recipients
- grass
- gravel
- guardianship
- harvest
- harvest totals
- hazmat
- hepatitis a
- heroin
- hhw
- hic
- history
- home value
- homeownership
- homes
- hospitalizations
- hospitals & facilities
- housing and redevelopment authority
- hra
- hud
- hunting
- individuals
- industrial property
- industry
- influenza
- infrastructure
- injury
- inmates
- internal
- interpreter
- interview
- invasive
- investments
- items checked out
- junvenile detention
- justice-involved youth
- kids
- killed
- lab
- labor force
- lakes
- language
- laptop
- law
- layoffs
- leadership
- leaves
- levy
- living
- living area
- lots
- lunch
- male
- materials
- meals
- medicaid
- medical programs
- medicare
- memorial hall
- methods
- metropolitan council
- mfip
- missing heirs
- mn leg
- mnchoices
- muni
- navigator
- new hires
- newborn
- non-motorized-wheeled transit route
- nowcasting
- number of workers
- officers
- on duty
- one dose
- oneway
- original medicare
- outcomes
- outfall
- overdose
- overview
- owner
- oxy
- oxycontin
- parcel count
- parcel data
- parking
- part 2
- part-time
- partners
- paternity
- pay
- payroll
- peace statue
- pedestrian
- perecentage of employees
- permit
- personal contacts
- personnel
- petition
- pit
- poisoning
- premature death
- price
- primaries
- primary elections
- primary language
- processing
- programming
- programs
- property records and revenue
- prosecution
- protection
- purchasing
- quarterly workforce indicators
- race and ethnicity
- racial equity
- railroad
- ramsey county property
- rating
- rcao
- reason
- recent voting
- records
- redlining
- reduced
- register
- registry
- rent
- renter
- reservation
- resiliency fund
- response
- responsibility
- returns
- revenues
- risk
- rollerblade
- roster
- rubbish
- safety
- saint paul
- salary
- sale
- sam
- sand
- sars-cov-2
- scan center
- school attendance
- schooling
- seasonal
- security
- sediment
- separations
- service
- service delivery
- sexually transmitted diseases
- sheriff
- shots fired
- sidewalk
- single day sample mean by beach
- single family
- site visits
- skateboard
- skilled nursing
- sliding fee
- social
- socrata
- special hunt
- special primary
- species
- square footage
- ssd
- staff
- star library
- state funding
- strategic
- strategic team
- street
- structurally deficient
- students
- study corridors
- supplement
- support distributed
- surficial
- surveillance
- syphilis tuberculosis
- talent
- tax valuation
- technology
- terminology
- threshold
- tool
- total ballots
- total employees
- totals
- toxic
- tract
- trail
- tree
- truancy
- truck limit
- turf
- turnover
- type
- uncashed checks
- university of minnesota
- unpaved median
- us census
- usability status
- utilities
- valuation
- variant proportion
- variant surveillance
- vendors
- vicodin
- vulnerable adults
- waitlist
- web contact
- weekly bookings
- weekly vaccinations
- wellness
- wetland
- wfs
- windows
- wioa adult
- workers
- workforce innovation
- workforce innovation board
- workforce innovation board members
- wounded
- yard waste
- yearly
- 10-yr turnover
- acp
- admissions
- affordability
- affordable housing
- american indian
- animals
- asset
- average
- bacteria
- birth
- blood
- bond
- books
- call center
- car
- career
- channel
- charge
- circulation
- color
- communicable
- costs
- council
- count
- covid
- curbcut
- date
- demolition
- disease burden
- dislocation
- distribution
- diversion
- dollars
- early voting
- election judge
- ems
- enforcement
- environmental health
- epidemiology
- equity
- fees
- financial report
- fines
- force
- generation
- geology
- golf course
- homelessness
- hospitalization
- hotel
- hunger
- ice
- incident
- indicators
- industrial property value
- infant
- infectious disease
- inspection
- intake
- jail
- justice
- landlord assistance
- median price
- minnesota department of health
- mortality
- nature
- offense
- office space
- opioid
- opioids
- out of home
- paint
- participant
- payments
- performance measures
- petitions
- phone call
- pipe
- planning
- point in time
- portal administration
- project
- promotions
- property tax
- prosperity
- quality
- rccf
- recycle
- relief fund
- rental
- replacement
- results
- retail
- roads
- single family home
- state
- status
- storm
- structure
- subcategory
- suburban
- summary
- telephone
- total counts
- town
- traffic
- training
- trash
- unclaimed
- vacancy
- vaccine data
- vsqg
- wait time
- ward
- water
- work
- year end
- zip code
- acs
- agriculture
- american community survey
- american rescue plan
- apartment value
- apartments
- attorney
- bridge
- business
- capital
- caregivers
- cases
- cash
- charging
- child support
- civic engagement
- contact
- contracts
- correctional facility
- dashboard
- department
- detention
- director
- disability
- district
- ditch
- division
- economic
- election day
- financial assistance services
- glossary
- grant
- internship
- life expectancy
- lobby
- loss
- manager
- operating history
- parents
- performance
- placement
- polling place
- presidential primary
- probation
- profit
- public safety and justice
- recreation
- reference
- referrals
- report
- right track plus
- road
- school
- small business
- snap
- spending
- supervisor
- survey
- techpak
- terms
- tests
- transit
- wages
- waste
- acres
- arpa
- assessments
- building
- call
- case
- cert
- charges
- collection
- computer
- criminal justice
- data
- deer
- establishment
- family
- financial assistance
- heading home ramsey
- income
- juvenile
- median estimated market value
- mental health
- municipality
- opportunity
- park
- payment
- treasurer
- vaccine
- 9-1-1
- accountability
- caregiver
- court
- education
- expenditures
- federal
- fire
- hazardous waste
- law enforcement
- lead
- library
- parent
- police
- pre-election
- public health
- public safety
- shelter
- single family homes
- st. paul
- suburb
- support
- total voting
- war names
- well-being
- absentee ballot
- boundary
- case management
- construction
- corrections
- diversity
- environment
- gender
- labor
- organization
- poverty
- precinct
- primary
- revenue
- time
- war
- 911
- absentee voting
- assessment
- city
- community indicators
- crime
- death
- early
- engagement
- ethnicity
- expenses
- fiscal
- home
- jurisdiction
- pandemic
- popular annual financial report
- population
- transportation
- youth
- ced
- economic inclusion
- food
- house
- medical
- race
- tax classification
- veterans
- adult
- age
- aggregate
- ballot
- census
- communications
- funds
- location
- mail voting
- real-estate
- redevelopment
- relief and economic security act
- cares
- elections
- federal funding
- health
- registration
- metrics
- money
- agricultural
- budget
- human resources
- residence
- rise
- county
- development
- emergency
- general election
- pafr
- residential
- social services
- land use
- participation
- annual report
- assessor
- estimated value
- fund
- homeless
- median
- parcel
- percent change
- ramsey county
- assistance
- countywide
- housing
- jobs
- market
- statistics
- finance
- apartment
- industrial
- turnout
- economy
- child
- commercial
- community
- absentee
- services
- estimate
- tax
- value
- assessor report
- performance measure
- financial
- employment
- property
- market value
- demographics
- property value
- election
- workforce
- voting
- estimated market value
45 Results
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Tags > covid-19
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This public use dataset has 11 data elements reflecting United States COVID-19 community levels for all available counties. This dataset contains the same values used to display information available on the COVID Data Tracker at: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view?list_select_state=all_states&list_select_county=all_counties&data-type=CommunityLevels
The data are updated weekly.
The data are updated weekly.
CDC looks at the combination of three metrics — new COVID-19 admissions per 100,000 population in the past 7 days, the percent of staffed inpatient beds occupied by COVID-19 patients, and total new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population in the past 7 days — to determine the COVID-19 community level. The COVID-19 community level is determined by the higher of the new admissions and inpatient beds metrics, based on the current level of new cases per 100,000 population in the past 7 days. New COVID-19 admissions and the percent of staffed inpatient beds occupied represent the current potential for strain on the health system. Data on new cases acts as an early warning indicator of potential increases in health system strain in the event of a COVID-19 surge.
Using these data, the COVID-19 community level is classified as low, medium, or high.
COVID-19 Community Levels can help communities and individuals make decisions based on their local context and their unique needs. Community vaccination coverage and other local information, like early alerts from surveillance, such as through wastewater or the number of emergency department visits for COVID-19, when available, can also inform decision making for health officials and individuals.
Using these data, the COVID-19 community level is classified as low, medium, or high.
COVID-19 Community Levels can help communities and individuals make decisions based on their local context and their unique needs. Community vaccination coverage and other local information, like early alerts from surveillance, such as through wastewater or the number of emergency department visits for COVID-19, when available, can also inform decision making for health officials and individuals.
See https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/community-levels.html for more information.
For the most accurate and up-to-date data for any county or state, visit the relevant health department website. COVID Data Tracker may display data that differ from state and local websites. This can be due to differences in how data were collected, how metrics were calculated, or the timing of web updates.
For more details on the Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 thresholds, see COVID-19 Public Health Risk Measures: Data Notes (Updated 4/13/22). https://mn.gov/covid19/assets/phri_tcm1148-434773.pdf
This dataset was renamed from "United States COVID-19 Community Levels by County as Originally Posted" to "United States COVID-19 Community Levels by County" on March 31, 2022.
March 31, 2022: Column name for county population was changed to “county_population”. No change was made to the data points previous released.
March 31, 2022: New column, “health_service_area_population”, was added to the dataset to denote the total population in the designated Health Service Area based on 2019 Census estimate.
March 31, 2022: FIPS codes for territories American Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and United States Virgin Islands were re-formatted to 5-digit numeric for records released on 3/3/2022 to be consistent with other records in the dataset.
March 31, 2022: Changes were made to the text fields in variables “county”, “state”, and “health_service_area” so the formats are consistent across releases.
March 31, 2022: The “%” sign was removed from the text field in column “covid_inpatient_bed_utilization”. No change was made to the data. As indicated in the column description, values in this column represent the percentage of staffed inpatient beds occupied by COVID-19 patients (7-day average).
March 31, 2022: Data values for columns, “county_population”, “health_service_area_number”, and “health_service_area” were backfilled for records released on 2/24/2022. These columns were added since the week of 3/3/2022, thus the values were previously missing for records released the week prior.
April 7, 2022: Updates made to data released on 3/24/2022 for Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and United States Virgin Islands to correct a data mapping error.
This dataset was renamed from "United States COVID-19 Community Levels by County as Originally Posted" to "United States COVID-19 Community Levels by County" on March 31, 2022.
March 31, 2022: Column name for county population was changed to “county_population”. No change was made to the data points previous released.
March 31, 2022: New column, “health_service_area_population”, was added to the dataset to denote the total population in the designated Health Service Area based on 2019 Census estimate.
March 31, 2022: FIPS codes for territories American Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and United States Virgin Islands were re-formatted to 5-digit numeric for records released on 3/3/2022 to be consistent with other records in the dataset.
March 31, 2022: Changes were made to the text fields in variables “county”, “state”, and “health_service_area” so the formats are consistent across releases.
March 31, 2022: The “%” sign was removed from the text field in column “covid_inpatient_bed_utilization”. No change was made to the data. As indicated in the column description, values in this column represent the percentage of staffed inpatient beds occupied by COVID-19 patients (7-day average).
March 31, 2022: Data values for columns, “county_population”, “health_service_area_number”, and “health_service_area” were backfilled for records released on 2/24/2022. These columns were added since the week of 3/3/2022, thus the values were previously missing for records released the week prior.
April 7, 2022: Updates made to data released on 3/24/2022 for Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and United States Virgin Islands to correct a data mapping error.
January 19 2025
This COVID-19 digital dashboard has been created using data Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health receives from the Minnesota Department of Health. The county health department reviews the data before it is posted.
November 26 2024
See how Ramsey County spends federal and state funding received to cover the costs associated with responding to COVID-19.
October 5 2023
Ramsey County will receive a total of $108 million from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021. Ramsey County will use these funds to continue supporting individuals, families and the economy as we combat and recover from COVID-19.
October 5 2023
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ramsey County received and rapidly invested millions in CARES funding in our community.
October 5 2023
Launched in June 2020, the Small Business Relief Fund has been investing $15 million of CARES Act funding into Ramsey County businesses and self-employed entrepreneurs/sole proprietors. Applications closed Dec. 4, 2020.
October 5 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant and lasting impact on our residents, communities and economy. These impacts have disproportionately affected individuals with less education, low income, youth, women and diverse communities. Ramsey County deployed special, federal funding to close gaps that would not have been possible through existing programs or funding.
October 5 2023
Ramsey County received $96 million from the federal government through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act in 2020. Through the Ramsey County Investment and Support Efforts program, $10 million of these funds were awarded to community-based organizations providing food assistance, including the home meal delivery program.
October 5 2023
October 5 2023
Applications for emergency assistance. Funding is through the Ramsey County Investment and Support Efforts (RISE) program in 2021. The RISE program was established using funding from the federal government through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
October 6 2023