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Authority > Community
Department > Parks & Recreation
Domain > Census
Sort by Most Accessed
- Civic Engagement
- County Administration
- Demographics
- Economy and Employment
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Housing, Property and Development
- Other
- Public Health
- Public Safety and Justice
- Social Services
- Solicitations and Addenda
- Transportation
- Communications
- Community & Economic Development
- Community Corrections
- County Attorney
- County Manager's Office
- Elections
- Emergency Communications
- Emergency Management & Homeland Security
- Finance
- Financial Assistance Services
- Government Relations
- Healthcare Services
- Human Resources
- Information Services
- Library
- Medical Examiner
- Parks & Recreation
- Policy & Planning
- Property Management
- Property Records & Revenue
- Public Health
- Public Works
- Regional Rail Authority
- Sheriff
- Social Services
- Veterans Services
- Workforce Solutions
- (8k-32k)
- (<8k)
- (>32k-64k)
- 10-yr average
- 2020
- 30-day sample mean by beach
- 4-h youth
- 4-to-3
- abatement
- access
- accounting
- address
- administration
- adoption
- age 16+ population
- age group
- agency
- aggregate estimated market value
- aging & disability services
- aging and disability services
- alerts
- allagetions
- allianz field
- ambulance
- animal
- application
- applications
- appointment
- aquatic
- archery
- area
- asian american
- assaulted
- assets
- assistances
- award
- babies
- beach
- beach water
- bedrock
- behavioral risk factor
- bike
- birth country
- board
- border
- branches
- brush
- bucket
- by zip code
- cafe
- calls
- canals
- case totals
- cash food
- cast
- category
- caucus
- ccap
- centers
- chemicals
- chlamydia and gonorrhea
- chronic conditions
- cip
- cities
- citizens responsibility
- clay
- client
- co-morbidity
- comercial
- commercial property value
- communication
- community and economic development
- community investment
- compensation
- compost
- condo
- congress
- coordinated entry
- coordinates
- cost of living
- count center
- country
- counts
- county attorney
- crash data
- criminal
- crisis response
- critical corridors
- customer
- datasets
- death before age 75
- death status
- deaths
- debt
- deconstruction
- deed
- degree
- demographic data
- department of employment and economic development
- deposits
- designations
- destruction
- digital literacy
- digital navigator
- dispatch
- dispatch incident dashboard
- displacement
- documentation
- driveway
- dryland
- duplex/triplex
- e-coli
- earnings
- ecology
- economic growth and community investment
- elderly
- election night
- eligibility
- employees
- emv
- enterprise service
- establishment rate
- estate
- expenditure
- experience
- factor
- families
- fas
- fas stats
- fasd
- fatalities
- federal performance measures
- felony
- female
- fentanyl
- file number
- flu
- food security
- formal leaders
- foster care
- free
- fuels
- full-time
- funding
- gis
- goal
- goals
- government lot
- grant recipients
- grass
- gravel
- guardianship
- harvest
- harvest totals
- hazmat
- hepatitis a
- heroin
- hhw
- hic
- history
- home value
- homeownership
- homes
- hospitalizations
- hospitals & facilities
- housing and redevelopment authority
- hra
- hud
- hunting
- individuals
- industrial property
- industry
- influenza
- infrastructure
- injury
- inmates
- internal
- interpreter
- interview
- invasive
- investments
- items checked out
- junvenile detention
- justice-involved youth
- kids
- killed
- lab
- labor force
- lakes
- language
- laptop
- law
- layoffs
- leadership
- leaves
- levy
- living
- living area
- lots
- lunch
- male
- materials
- meals
- medicaid
- medical programs
- medicare
- memorial hall
- methods
- metropolitan council
- mfip
- missing heirs
- mn leg
- mnchoices
- muni
- navigator
- new hires
- newborn
- non-motorized-wheeled transit route
- nowcasting
- number of workers
- officers
- on duty
- one dose
- oneway
- original medicare
- outcomes
- outfall
- overdose
- overview
- owner
- oxy
- oxycontin
- parcel count
- parcel data
- parking
- part 2
- part-time
- partners
- paternity
- pay
- payroll
- peace statue
- pedestrian
- perecentage of employees
- permit
- personal contacts
- personnel
- petition
- pit
- poisoning
- premature death
- price
- primaries
- primary elections
- primary language
- processing
- programming
- programs
- property records and revenue
- prosecution
- protection
- purchasing
- quarterly workforce indicators
- race and ethnicity
- racial equity
- railroad
- ramsey county property
- rating
- rcao
- reason
- recent voting
- records
- redlining
- reduced
- register
- registry
- rent
- renter
- reservation
- resiliency fund
- response
- responsibility
- returns
- revenues
- risk
- rollerblade
- roster
- rubbish
- safety
- saint paul
- salary
- sale
- sam
- sand
- sars-cov-2
- scan center
- school attendance
- schooling
- seasonal
- security
- sediment
- separations
- service
- sexually transmitted diseases
- sheriff
- shots fired
- sidewalk
- single day sample mean by beach
- single family
- site visits
- skateboard
- skilled nursing
- sliding fee
- social
- socrata
- special hunt
- special primary
- species
- square footage
- ssd
- staff
- star library
- state funding
- strategic
- strategic team
- street
- structurally deficient
- students
- study corridors
- supplement
- support distributed
- surficial
- surveillance
- syphilis tuberculosis
- talent
- tax valuation
- technology
- terminology
- threshold
- tool
- total ballots
- total employees
- totals
- toxic
- tract
- trail
- tree
- truancy
- truck limit
- turf
- turnover
- type
- uncashed checks
- university of minnesota
- unpaved median
- us census
- usability status
- utilities
- valuation
- variant proportion
- variant surveillance
- vendors
- vicodin
- vulnerable adults
- waitlist
- web contact
- weekly bookings
- weekly vaccinations
- wellness
- wetland
- wfs
- windows
- wioa adult
- workers
- workforce innovation
- workforce innovation board
- workforce innovation board members
- wounded
- yard waste
- yearly
- 10-yr turnover
- acp
- admissions
- affordability
- affordable housing
- american indian
- animals
- asset
- average
- bacteria
- birth
- blood
- bond
- books
- call center
- car
- career
- channel
- charge
- circulation
- color
- communicable
- costs
- council
- count
- covid
- curbcut
- date
- demolition
- disease burden
- dislocation
- distribution
- diversion
- dollars
- early voting
- election judge
- ems
- enforcement
- environmental health
- epidemiology
- equity
- fees
- financial report
- fines
- force
- generation
- geology
- golf course
- homelessness
- hospitalization
- hotel
- hunger
- ice
- incident
- indicators
- industrial property value
- infant
- infectious disease
- inspection
- intake
- jail
- justice
- landlord assistance
- median price
- minnesota department of health
- mortality
- nature
- offense
- office space
- opioid
- opioids
- out of home
- paint
- participant
- payments
- performance
- performance measures
- petitions
- phone call
- pipe
- planning
- point in time
- portal administration
- project
- promotions
- property tax
- prosperity
- quality
- rccf
- recycle
- relief fund
- rental
- replacement
- results
- retail
- roads
- single family home
- state
- status
- storm
- structure
- subcategory
- suburban
- summary
- telephone
- total counts
- town
- traffic
- training
- trash
- unclaimed
- vacancy
- vaccine data
- vsqg
- wait time
- ward
- water
- work
- year end
- zip code
- acs
- agriculture
- american community survey
- american rescue plan
- apartment value
- apartments
- attorney
- bridge
- business
- capital
- caregivers
- cases
- cash
- charging
- child support
- civic engagement
- contact
- contracts
- correctional facility
- dashboard
- department
- detention
- director
- disability
- district
- ditch
- division
- economic
- election day
- financial assistance services
- glossary
- grant
- internship
- life expectancy
- lobby
- loss
- manager
- operating history
- parents
- placement
- polling place
- presidential primary
- probation
- profit
- public safety and justice
- recreation
- reference
- referrals
- report
- right track plus
- road
- school
- small business
- snap
- spending
- supervisor
- survey
- techpak
- terms
- tests
- transit
- wages
- waste
- acres
- arpa
- assessments
- building
- call
- case
- cert
- charges
- collection
- computer
- criminal justice
- data
- deer
- establishment
- family
- financial assistance
- heading home ramsey
- income
- juvenile
- median estimated market value
- mental health
- municipality
- opportunity
- park
- payment
- treasurer
- vaccine
- 9-1-1
- accountability
- caregiver
- court
- education
- expenditures
- federal
- fire
- hazardous waste
- law enforcement
- lead
- library
- parent
- police
- pre-election
- public health
- public safety
- shelter
- single family homes
- st. paul
- suburb
- support
- total voting
- war names
- well-being
- absentee ballot
- boundary
- case management
- construction
- corrections
- diversity
- environment
- gender
- labor
- organization
- poverty
- precinct
- primary
- revenue
- time
- war
- 911
- absentee voting
- assessment
- city
- community indicators
- crime
- death
- early
- engagement
- ethnicity
- expenses
- fiscal
- home
- jurisdiction
- pandemic
- popular annual financial report
- population
- transportation
- youth
- ced
- economic inclusion
- food
- house
- medical
- race
- tax classification
- veterans
- adult
- age
- aggregate
- ballot
- census
- communications
- funds
- location
- mail voting
- real-estate
- redevelopment
- relief and economic security act
- cares
- elections
- federal funding
- health
- metrics
- registration
- money
- residence
- agricultural
- budget
- human resources
- rise
- social services
- county
- development
- emergency
- general election
- pafr
- residential
- land use
- participation
- annual report
- assessor
- assistance
- estimated value
- fund
- homeless
- median
- parcel
- percent change
- ramsey county
- countywide
- housing
- jobs
- market
- statistics
- finance
- apartment
- industrial
- turnout
- economy
- child
- commercial
- community
- services
- absentee
- estimate
- tax
- value
- assessor report
- performance measure
- financial
- employment
- property
- covid-19
- market value
- demographics
- property value
- election
- workforce
- voting
- estimated market value
0 Results
filtered by
Authority > Community
Department > Parks & Recreation
Domain > Census
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